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  • Saltwest | Sweet Smokey Maple Salt Saltwest - Oscar & Libby's
    Saltwest | Sweet Smokey Maple Salt Saltwest - Oscar & Libby's

    Saltwest | Sweet Smokey Maple Salt


    Handcrafted Canadian Sea Salt - Harvested on Vancouver Island! Perfect with salmon, yams and pork! From Tide to Table.    Saltwest Naturals

  • Heartbeat | Blueberry Habanero Hot Sauce Heartbeat Hot Sauce - Oscar & Libby's

    Heartbeat | Blueberry Habanero Hot Sauce


    Heartbeat Blueberry Habanero Hot Sauce: Fruity but not too sweet with a touch of local IPA, made in Thunder Bay, Ontario.   Heat Level: Medium177 mL

  • Heartbeat | Jalapeno Hot Sauce Heartbeat Hot Sauce - Oscar & Libby's

    Heartbeat | Jalapeno Hot Sauce


    Heartbeat Jalapeno Hot Sauce: Made with fermented jalapeno and serrano peppers, in Thunder Bay, Ontario.    Heat Level: Mild-Medium177 mL
